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Through Dembe group, Reckitt Benckiser donates $240,000 worth of Dettol and Jik to people living with HIV in Uganda via UNAIDS

On 24th June 2020, at NAFOPHANU (National Forum of People Living with HIV Networks in Uganda) headquarters in Mengo, Dettol & Jik joined forces with UNAIDs to help protect people living with HIV, in the wake of the COVID-19 Pandemic.

Through Dembe Group (the Authorised Dettol & Jik Distributor), Dettol & Jik's parent company Reckitt Benckiser (RB) donated $240,000 (UGX 900m) worth of Dettol Medicated Soap and Jik Bleach to the most vulnerable groups of people in Uganda.

At the handover, the CEO of Dembe Group, Anil Damani, who was accompanied by Dembe Group Managing Director, Adim Damani, said, “We are particularly privileged to associate ourselves with UNAIDS and Reckitt Benckiser Group PLC in providing support to communities across Uganda to cope with the different challenges which have been brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic. The commitment from our company is to continue reaching out to especially vulnerable groups during this difficult time,” Mr Damani said. “I take this opportunity to sincerely thank Reckitt Benckiser for the very important gesture of donating the hygiene pack to people living with HIV. I thank UNAIDS for the partnership with RB and Dembe Group that has culminated into this support throughout Sub Saharan Africa including Uganda,” Dr Musoba, who was the chief guest at the handover ceremony, added.

  • Donation of Jik and Dettol soap
  • Donation of Jik and Dettol soap
  • Donation of Jik and Dettol soap
  • Donation of Jik and Dettol soap
  • Donation of Jik and Dettol soap
  • Donation of Jik and Dettol soap
  • Donation of Jik and Dettol soap
  • Donation of Jik and Dettol soap